Course Details

Change Management (Managing People through Change)

According to the former President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for; we are the change that we seek.”

The importance of rapid change in the thinking, actions and employees’ attitude to work cannot be overemphasized, especially as it affects the job and personal life of participants. Senior staffs play important roles in the achievement of the objectives of the organization. They relate with junior workers, supervisors and the general public. To enable them perform their roles effectively, this program has been designed to equip these executives with the requisite knowledge and skills for effective performance of their role as ‘CHANGE LEADERS’.

It’s not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.’’

All around us; technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Having a smooth transition when change occurs is important in any situation and this course will give participants total transformation of their ideologies and engender behavioural change. Through this training, Senior Executives and Team Leaders will be presented with the required tools to implement ‘changes’ seamlessly; keys on how to have those changes better accepted; and also ways of managing reactions to change.

This workshop is designed to enhance attendees’ understanding of change, to make them better equipped to analyse the factors at play in their own particular circumstances, and to adopt practical strategies to deal with resistance. They will be provided with insights into the cultural dimensions that will stimulate the workforce and the business environment and make the attained Change to be long-lasting.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will:

  • Gain insights on impact of Leadership influence on how staff embrace Change
  • Understand and maximize the concepts of vision, mission and the unwritten service charter as they apply to the organization
  • Become skilled to implement the necessary steps for preparing a change strategy and build support for change
  • Learn how to Execute the WIFM procedure – the individual motivators for change
  • Understand how to use excellent communications at all levels of the organization to attain buy-in
  • Learn how to deploy the right components to develop change management strategies
  • Understand how to align people with change and understand the importance of flexibility in the context of change
  • Acquire skills in dealing with resistance to change

Course Module

  • Management of Organizational Change and Culture
  • Preparing people for change
  • The Leadership Mind-set to Change for Big Goals
  • Assessment of current positions
  • The Change Vision and Strategy
  • The tools that will drive change
  • The challenges of Human Resource Management (HRM) in driving and achieving change
  • The Change Cycle
  • Responses to Change
  • Emotional Intelligence in Change Management
  • Why people resist Change
  • WIFM procedure
  • Focus on Organizational Effectiveness and Bottom Line
  • Compelling reasons for Change
  • Change Enablers, Change Agents and Change Tactics
  • Execution and Follow Through
  • Culture of Winning Together
  • Defining the Key Success Factors of the Change

Who Should Attend

Team Leaders/Unit Heads/Heads of Departments/ Managers/Project Heads/Supervisors

Training Delivery Techniques

For learning to be more impactful and effective, we adopt a seamless combination of Lectures, Group Discussions, Case Studies, Individual/Group Exercises, Videos and Role Play. Participants will gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics. The emphasis is on the practical application of the topics and this will aid attendees to apply the knowledge gained both at work and personally.

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HR Skills for Non-HR Professionals

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers

Recruitment and Selection Best Practices

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