Workplace Safety Operations and Processes

The proactive management of workplace safety requires the application of various tools and techniques aimed at reducing risks to as low as reasonably practicable. This detailed practical course educates, creates awareness, reinforces existing good practices and trains staff in the basics of safety and workplace health management. It is designed to provide participants with knowledge […]

Working and Managing Safely

This is a highly impactful programme that will teach up-to-date techniques on Workplace safety management. Participants will be able to learn basic methodologies on Hazard identification and risk management. Using case studies and a scenario-based approach, participants will understand how to improve their own safety behaviours and how to develop and sustain critical safe behaviours […]

Health & Safety Management in the Workplace

Workplace safety is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but proactive firms go further than the minimum condition. Safety standards and procedures must be put in place which every staff must adhere to, for a healthy and safe working environment. This training will provide your […]

Emergency Response Management

Emergencies are unplanned events that could lead to the loss of human lives and assets. The best way to respond to Emergencies is to stay prepared. This course aims to equip participants with practical fire safety management knowledge and First Aid Life-saving skills. Audio Visual materials will be utilized to facilitate easy understanding for participants. […]