Work-life Balance & Strategic Stress Management

Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge come great rewards when it is done successfully. Balancing a career with home life will provide numerous benefits. You will become healthier, mentally and physically, and you will be able to produce more career-wise. With a Work-Life Balance, you will […]
Work Conduct, Attitudinal Change and Productivity Enhancement Course

The attitude of employees to duties and responsibilities; their commitment to tasks; and their relationship with other co-workers are necessary requirements for ever-increasing efficiency in the achievement of corporate goals in any organization. This training will impart the attendees with requisite skills that will make them take ownership and begin to lead a more productive […]
Self-Mastery Skills for Professional Excellence

In the course of this training, participants will gain a comprehensive set of skills that will help them stay focused, work effectively with colleagues, develop their networks and expertise, and build a reputation for delivering results. This course gives attendees the skills and tools needed to handle everyday practical problems. Course Module: *Realizing Your Strengths […]
Project Management Skills Workshop for Non-Engineers

In the past few decades, organizations have discovered something incredible: the principles that have been used to create enormous successes in large projects can be applied to projects of any size to create amazing success. As a result, many employees are expected to understand project management techniques and how to apply them to projects of […]
Pre-Retirement Workshop (How to Effectively Manage Life After Service)

Many employees do not realize that planning for retirement should commence right from the first day of assuming the duty. Consequently, by the time they recognize the importance of adequate preparation for such eventuality, it may be too late and they might just be out of gainful employment already. An organizational career management system exists […]
Personal Effectiveness and Mastery

Personal Effectiveness & Mastery is a goal most of us have and this workshop will impart participants with requisite skills and put them on the right track in achieving that goal. Some people blame everything that goes wrong in their life on something or someone else, but through this training, attendees will take ownership and […]
Office Management and Administrative Skills Course

The technical, interpersonal and behavioral skills of every person who desires to excel as a Senior Office Manager, Administrator or Secretary must be perfected in order to stay in control and on top of every one of their responsibilities. Broad Competencies Addressed: Ability to prioritize and cope with multiple tasks Ability to think as a […]
Effective Management of Time & Organizational Skills

Those who are able to successfully implement time management strategies will have control over work pressure rather than spend each day in a frenzy of activity reacting to crisis after crisis. Efficient time management results in reduced stress and causes personal productivity to soar. These highly effective individuals are able to focus on the tasks […]
Effective Communication Strategies & Interpersonal Skills

For the better part of every day, we are communicating with others – clients, colleagues, subordinates, co-agencies and other beneficiaries of our services. Every employee requires vital communication skills to make interactions meaningful. This workshop will help participants understand different methods and mediums of communication and how to maximize them in the delivery of messages […]
Developing Excellent Writing & Communication Skills

As a manager, you will have the responsibility to write business documents that will help support the goals of your organization. In order to successfully create a variety of business documents, you need to thoroughly understand which documents work best for specific situations and how to produce them. Even seasoned professionals occasionally need a brush-up, […]